Happy new month and a happy independence day to Nigeria! Today is a momentous day for me. After years of waiting on God and praying, we have taken the step of faith and obeyed the Lord. Inspiration Christian Centre has begun public service and ministry. We held the first edition of our Inspiration Train (please visit our website to see pictures and more details of the program) and launched our daily video devotional The Impact Factor. It has been a long journey to get to this point. I am grateful to God for His mercies and His call even as I look forward to future ahead.
We have a call from God to inspire people to impact their world. No one is an accident. Everyone has the capacity to be the solution God intended them to be. With His grace, we will fulfill this call.
I please ask that you keep us in your prayers. I hope to welcome you at one of our programs very soon. Thank you.
Dr. Gbenga Adebayo (Pastor Ega)
Connect with Inspiration Christian Centre
Website: http://inspirationng.org
Facebook: https://facebook.com/inspirationchristiancentre
Instagram: https://instagram.com/inspirationchristiancentre
Twitter: https://twitter.com/inspirationccng
YouTube (Inspiration Christian Centre): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1YpyEjsvV6LLWHwJYVZ4NQ
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